American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Medical Professionals
butchered woman
4 years ago

surgeon disappeared for a month i have complications

I had facelift 3 weeks ago . I saw surgeon 5 days after then he went away and will not return for another 3 weeks. He has NOT left any other qualified plastic surgeon to help patients while he has I have complications hard painful nodules in eye tissue and other concerns. I need to see a qualified doctor to deal with these issues . I am concerned i will be permanently disfigured from complication

Procedure: Facelift
Location: Natal, RN - Brazil

Replies 3

Rahul Vemula
ASPS Surgeon
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Really sorry to hear of your predicament. I would ask who the surgeon's covering doctor is while he is away and request an appointment with the covering physician. If you feel that you are having a medical emergency related to this, then seek medical attention at an emergency Room.

Best wishes.

Nelson Castillo

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am sorry to hear of you going through this. With no available covering physician I can only recommend going to a local ER to be seen by an on-call specialist to ensure no issues are taking place, or who can treat you for issues that are more urgent. Best wishes

Jon Harrell
ASPS Surgeon

His office should refer you to a qualified plastic surgeon for follow up. Otherwise visit the Emergency department for an evaluation. They usually will provide a plastic surgeon for you if needed. Best of luck Dr Harrell


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