American Society of Plastic Surgeons
For Consumers

Newport Beach Aesthetic Practice, Share Beautiful Turnkey Space, OR attachedPosted: 3/3/2025

Newport Beach, CA
Contact: 949-290-4795 ... In Newport Beach, near Fashion Island... Share an accredited OR, four exam rooms, front office. Beautiful, first floor Avocado building, Start today! All you need is a cell phone and a coordinator. This space is premier! It's beautiful, ocean views, medical office building, first floor, and the best is that the OR is within the suite, so no travel. The office is ready. If you see it, you'll want it. It's perfect to start your practice in Southern California. Mid Century designed office, solo practitioner, 30 years in this spot, 100% Aesthetic. Call for a video tour. Starting day one, you can start operating. Free Parking. Call for pricing. If you've ever wanted to start a practice in Orange County, this is it. Available now. 1200 square feet. Practice start up assistance is available. 949-290-4795.